GREENMA Partners
Genoa University
USGIT is a leading North Italy University. It offers broad diversity of three-level courses to about 37.000 students by 1.600 teachers. About 6000 students have been graduated in 2010 and over 1600 Erasmus students are yearly hosted. It is crossing a large of process of governance reform and of resources optimization which will lead it to establish 5 Schools and 20 Department. It has a long record of successful experience in the Tempus since 1996. Working with a large group of international students, from EU and PCs, on issue of academic recognition and promoting LLL, the staff has achieved important professional backgrounds and thus various professional competences. USGIT vision and mission also deals with development and support of links with socioeconomic environment, by operational relationships between local economy and University and by establishing of strategic alliances with the main private and public actors of the territory, including local environment authorities.
USGIT, in addition to the tasks of coordinator, will give its actual academic added value by transfer of its current courses and teaching offer on the project subjects; these courses record extremely high employment outputs and are organized in synergic action with local authorities and industries. USGIT will be strongly involved in the first set of activities: designing of study programmes (structure of contents, description, teaching subjects, bibliographic updating and upgrading - comparability of the courses) and retraining. In addition to the teachers coming from Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, there will be also cooperation of member of the Boards of Trustees and of Didactical Committee and teachers / managers having a large background in Tempus. In the designing, implementation and delivery of the reformed curricula according to the main steps identified by the "Tuning" pilot project, will participate teachers advisors of the CRUI - Italian Rectors' Conference.
Angelo Musaio
Vice Manager, Head of Service
Tel.: +390102095588
link: -
Tambov State Technical University
The University was founded in 1958 as Tambov affiliate of Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. In 1993 the Institute received the status of university and the name Tambov State Technical University. Now it comprises 9 faculties, 51 departments, about 700 teachers and employees, more than 12000 students studying. The University offers 38 specialist courses as well as Bachelor and Master programmes (49) in different fields.
TSTU is involved in world internationalization and globalization processes. The university subdivisions have more than 40 projects with their foreign partners from many countries in different fields of science and education. Since 2000 TSTU has participated in 8 TEMPUS projects in different fields. The last one (2009) is called "Network for Master Training in Technologies of Water Resources Management".
- Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme.
- Intensive retraining of RUU teaching staff in the topics related to the project energy saving and environmental control.
- Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units.
- Implementation of Master and LLL programme together with Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering.
- Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level.
- Sustainability by "Technological innovation and transfer" offices and by development of joint programme.
- Quality control and monitoring of the project activities performed by the Evaluation Board meetings and with stakeholders' professional recognition.
- Project management.
Elena Mishchenko
Vice-Rector for International Relations
Tel.: +7 4752 630112
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Ural Federal University n.a. Boris Yeltsin
URFU (legal successor of USTU) was created on the basis of USTU in April 2010. Nowadays it is the largest university at the Urals (over 44000 students, 6000 staff, 16 faculties). Engineering majors are the main area of URFU expertise. URFU provides Bachelor, Master and Specialist degrees in over 150 specialties addressing the needs of Ural enterprises, various PhD programs. URFU has tight links with the labor market through direct cooperation, students' internships, techno park, Advisory Council. URFU has partner relations with major RF and EU universities; both within Tempus programme and on direct agreements. Civil engineering is an active participant of the international programs, for example Primo_RF - Development of the model for professional recognition of foreign qualifications in Russia, NetWater - Network for Master training in technologies of water resources Management.
As beneficiary university, it will in-depth participate to the overall process of curricula reform, with specific reference to as follows. - Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme - Intensive retraining of RUU teaching staff in the topics related to the project energy saving and environmental control - Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units - Implementation and coordination of Master and LLL programme together with its own affiliated University - Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level - Sustainability by its "Technological innovation and transfer" office and by development of joint programme - Quality control and monitoring of the project activities performed by the Evaluation Board meetings and with stakeholders' professional recognition. The institution will take care also of the correct reporting in front the grant contractor.
Vladimir Alekhin
Director of Institute of Civil Engineering
Tel.: +7 343 3745982
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Vladimir State University n.a. Stoletovs
VlSU provides multilevel training in more than 90 areas. There are 8 institutes at the University which provide studies from pre-university to post-graduate levels. 1200 members of teaching staff, including about 200 professors, teach more than 30 000 students, both Russian and foreign. The University counts the working load both in academic hours and credit units. Among others there is the Faculty of Chemistry and Ecology. The Faculty has highly qualified staff and up-to-date laboratories, such as "Pure water" lab, Laboratory of Physical and Chemical research methods, "Membranes and Membrane Technologies" Lab, etc. At present the Faculty trains Masters in several fields including Chemistry; Applied chemistry; Preservation of the environment; Energy and Recourses Saving Processes in Chemical Technologies, Petrol Chemistry and Biotechnology. VSU cooperates with different enterprises, in the area of energy saving included. They are LLC "ENERGOMASTER", RPE "TECHNOFILTR", RPE "TECHNOLOG".
As beneficiary university, it will in-depth participate in the overall process of curricula reform, with specific reference to as follows: Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme; Intensive retraining of RUU teaching staff in the topics related to the energy saving and environmental control; Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up of permanent support units; Implementation and coordination of Master and LLL programme together with its own affiliated University; Dissemination at intermediate, national and at web levels; Sustainability by its "Technological innovation and transfer" office and by development of joint programme; Quality control and monitoring of the project activities performed by the Evaluation Board meetings and with stakeholders' professional recognition. The institution will also take care of the correct reporting to the grant contractor.
Yury Panov
Dean of Chemistry and Ecology Faculty
Tel.: 8 905 6179789
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Stavropol State Agrarian University
SSAU is one of the largest agrarian universities in Russia with an 80 years history and is one of the best according to the rating held by Russian Ministry of Education. It is the leading educational, scientific and training centre in the South of Russia. The university offers the following study programmes: agronomy, agro chemistry and soil science, technology of production and processing of agricultural products, plant protection, ecology, veterinarian medicine, mechanization of agriculture, electrification of agriculture, international economics, accounting and audit, economics and management in agro business, financial management, marketing and others. There are 17.5 thousand students studying 72 educational programs, 400 PhD students. There are 8 faculties, 57 departments, 90 innovational laboratories. The University is a Winner of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011, the holder of the Russian federal grant "Innovational Educational Project", member of Magna Charta, ICA, AEB, EFQUEL.
SSAU in collaboration with consortium partners will develop and introduce the Master program in "Energy Saving and Environmental Control" and implement the LLL-approach in the field of environmental control and sustainable development. SSAU will establish the network of universities and stakeholders in the South of Russia aimed at approaching towards the EU best practices in environmental control and their promotion across the region. SSAU considers development of 2-level HE process in energy saving and environmental control as an added value. The university has got a profound experience in this field. It founded a specialized center for the life long education in 1995 offering various study programs. Since 2009 SSAU has been implementing the Tempus project "RUDECO: Vocational Training in Rural Development and Ecology" aimed at developopment and establishment of the educational program for regional and municipal administrative bodies in the field of ecology and sustainable development.
Svytoslav Serikov
Head of International Relations Office
Tel.: 8 (865-2) 73-11-66
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Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
VSUACE implements innovative technologies of management and education in all branches of Architecture and Civil Engineering. More than 10 000 students from 55 countries are studying at its 10 faculties. VSUACE offers civil engineering education at bachelor, master, PhD and post-doctoral levels. It realizes more than 40 international contracts on cooperation and joint preparation of experts with high schools and the scientific organizations of the countries of near and far abroad. Now VSUACE is a member of the Int'l Association of building HEIs, the Int'l Association of Universities, the European Association of building universities and faculties and Association of engineering education of Russia. Its international reputation and experience in international cooperation with more than 60 universities in 30 countries enable the University to integrate Russian civil engineering education into the European educational community.
Role of VSUACE will be carrying out all the processes of curricular reform activities planned by the project, with specific reference to:
- Survey on background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme.
- Intensive retraining of its teaching staff in the "environmental engineering and chemistry" topics.
- Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units.
- Implementation of Master and LLL programme in affiliation with TSTU and MUCTR.
- Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level.
- Sustainability by "Technological innovation and transfer" offices and by development of joint programme.
Main academic units involved in the project activities will be [max 200 characters] Department of Urban Construction and Management and Department of Highways Engineering which provides training in energy saving and environmental issues.Contacts:
Marina Shitikova
Head of International Cooperation
Tel.:8(473) 271-42-20 -
Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
TSUACE prepares engineers, installers and designers of industrial fuel and energy complex of Western Siberia, as well as housing and utilities area. TSUACE has extensive links with industrial associations, academic and research organizations, performs contracts with leading organizations in the city and the Tyumen region to introduce innovative technologies in manufacturing processes, to conduct research and expert work on energy saving and environmental monitoring. The main areas of training: energy-efficient design of industrial and civil buildings, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heating, electricity, gas, heat-generating plants, water and wastewater systems, industrial power systems, environmental monitoring systems.
As beneficiary university, it will in-depth participate to the overall process of curricula reform, with specific reference to as follows. - Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme - Intensive retraining of RUU teaching staff in the topics related to the project energy saving and environmental control - Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units - Participation with some modules to the implementation of Master and LLL programme together with its own coordinating affiliated University - Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level - Sustainability by its "Technological innovation and transfer" office and by development of joint programme - Periodical quality control and monitoring of the project activities, with stakeholders' professional recognition.
The institution will take care also of the correct reporting in front the grant contractor.Contacts:
Victor Mironov
Vice-Rector on Scientific and Innovation Activities
link: -
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
ISUCT is one of the leading technical universities in Russia according to the 2010 rating of the Ministry of Education.
It is a multiple-discipline university and turns out specialists in different branches of chemistry, chemical technology and engineering, environmental protection and resource saving technologies, electronics, information systems, industrial economics and management, standardization etc. Teaching and servicing staff of ISUCT is about 1000, including 400Dr.Sci. and PhD, the number of students exceeds 6000, the number of postgraduate and doctoral students is more than 200.
ISUCT actively participates in the projects aimed at the environmental protection and ecological recovery in Ivanovo Region and in the area of Upper Volga reservoir.
In the structure of ISUCT there is the Test Center accredited for the analysis of pollutants in water and soil. The university is well equipped with modern scientific instrumentation.
As beneficiary university, it will in-depth participate to the overall process of curricula reform, with specific reference to as follows. - Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme - Intensive retraining of RUU teaching staff in the topics related to the project energy saving and environmental control - Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units - Participation with some modules to the implementation of Master and LLL programme together with its own coordinating affiliated University - Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level - Sustainability by its "Technological innovation and transfer" office and by development of joint programme - Periodical quality control and monitoring of the project activities, with stakeholders' professional recognition.
The institution will take care also of the correct reporting in front the grant contractor.Contacts:
Vladimir Rybkin
Tel.: 4932 329194
link: -
North Ossetian State University n.a. K. L. Khetagurov
NOSUK was founded in 1920. Today, with 10000 students, 22 faculties, about 800 academic staff, 8 Master programmes and 2 PhD programmes, the University is one of the leading education and research centers in Southern Russia. As a classic university NOSU covers natural sciences, arts, humanities, sports. Being the national university of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, NOSU also serves as a study and research center to preserve and develop Ossetian historical heritage, language, literature and culture. NOSU is the principle provider of qualified workforce in the regional labour market. The university has a UNESCO Chair in Regional Studies for Environmental and Population Issues. In 2011 NOSU has been awarded a $10 million grant (for the period of 2012-2016) from Russian Ministry of Education to implement the NOSU Strategic Development Programme.
NOSU will participate in the establishment of the network of universities and stakeholders in the South of Russia aimed at approaching towards the EU best practices in environmental control and their promotion across the region. The university, being one of the leading scientific, research and cultural centers of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania has got a rich experience in the provision of sustainable regional development and environmental control.
Ruzana Otieva
Head of International Relations Office
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D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
MUCTR is now approaching its 130th anniversary. Over 10,000 students, including over 200 international students study at Mendeleyev University. MUCTR has been training qualified engineers for industrial needs. University has huge responsibility in the area of personnel training for the needs of the intensive technologies, nuclear power engineering, and defense industry. The University has adopted the innovative development strategy aimed at enhancing the research, teaching, and managerial activities.The Institute of Chemistry and Sustainable Development Problems (ICSDP) at MUCTR during last 10 years has been actually playing the role of Regional Center of Education for actual problems of Ecology and SD. The staff is working in accordance with the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Russian Federation. ICSDP at MUCTR provides professional training through the program "Environmental Protection at Industrial Enterprises." More than 1000 representatives got the certificates.
Role of MUCTR will be carrying out all the processes of curricular reform activities planned by the project, with specific reference to:
- Survey on background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme.
- Intensive retraining of its teaching staff in the "environmental engineering and chemistry" topics.
- Development of teaching materials, establishment of did-lab and setting-up permanent support units.
- Implementation of Master and LLL programme in affiliation with TSTU and VSUACE.
- Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level.
- Sustainability by "Technological innovation and transfer" offices and by development of joint programme.
Main academic units involved in the project activities will be [max 200 characters] Institute of Chemistry and the Problems of Sustainable Development (ICSDP) with Department for the Problems of Sustainable Development plays the role of Regional Center of Education for actual problems of Ecology and SD.Contacts:
Anna Kurochkina
Assistant Professor
Tel.: 8 985 3347217 -
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
About 30 000 students study at PNRPU. Each year PNRPU organizes 10 regional, national and international conferences. Nowadays PNRPU has become a diversified high educational institution. Based on the integration of small business, science and industry the complex of PNRPU has focused all the required potential on launching big innovation projects, the realization of state orders and programs. The realization of complex innovation projects is intended to develop the directions of "Urban sustainable development", "Energy efficiency". International activity involves cooperation with universities of Europe. The cooperation is based on academic programs for students and staff, research trainings for postgraduates, young scientists and researchers. Civil engineering faculty is an active participant of the international programs.
As beneficiary university, it could become the real range to reform educational plans in connection with energy saving and renewable resource programs. There is ability to requalify academic membership for a energy saving, source saving and renewable energy sources subject area. The institution and a faculty of civil engineering get on operating laboratories and equipment in place witch could use for new education materials. In fact of our nation research profile, it could implant and spread received skills among another national universities and project organizations. The institution provides close cooperation with all the participants of project, implementation and coordination of Master and LLL program.
Alla Grishkova
Senior Lecrurer of Heating Department
Tel.: +7 922 2442882 -
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University
IVGPU provides multilevel training (Bachelor, Master, PhD) in various areas. IVGPU provides extended studies from pre-university to post-graduate studies (including post-graduate and doctorate courses). The University has a Dissertation Council. The University has more than 220 members of teaching staff including about 30 professors and more 5 000 students, both Russian and foreign students. The University has highly qualified staff and up-to-date laboratories As for the implementation of ECTS the University counts the working load both in academic hours and credit units.
Main directions of scientific research at the university focused on solving problems in the field of building materials, construction materials, road construction, durability and reliability of building structures, economic development and public utilities.
As beneficiary university, it will in-depth participate to the overall process of curricula reform, with specific reference to as follows:
- Background for curricula reform and setup of the Master and LLL programme
- Intensive retraining teaching staff in the topics related to the project energy saving and environmental control
- Development of teaching materials
- Participation with some modules to the implementation of Master and LLL programme together with its own coordinating affiliated University
- Dissemination at intermediate level, at national level, at web level
- Sustainability by its "Technological innovation and transfer" office and by development of joint programme
- Periodical quality control and monitoring of the project activities, with stakeholders' professional recognition.
The institution will take care also of the correct reporting in front the grant contractor.Contacts:
Alexander Ryazansky
Associate Dean of the Faculty of Commercial training and Advanced
Tel.: 4932 384129 -
City University of London
City University of London is a public research university located in London with a student population of over 20,000. It is organised into seven Schools, within which there are around 40 academic departments and centres. City's mission as outlined in its strategy, is to "lead London in education, research and knowledge transfer for businesses and the professions". It is among the top five per cent of the universities in the world (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2010/2011). International students from 160 different countries create a cosmopolitan environment to study a range of subjects including, engineering, mathematics, informatics, arts, social sciences, law, health and business. More than 25% of the academic staff are international through their place of birth. City University has extensive experience of participating in EU education and research programmes.
City has a well established reputation in energy management and technology for sustainable development. Research programmes have covered wind, wave, geothermal and other renewable sources, offshore oil and gas exploitation as well low temperature heat recovery for power generation. The School of Engineering offers an Energy Utilisation and Management undergraduate BEng programme and an Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics postgraduate Msc programme. There is considerable experience at City to provide input into the promotion and implementation of training for energy saving, environmental control and sustainable development to meet the project objectives. The role of City is to provide technical, commercial and managerial skills that will be required to meet Europe's international commitments.
Laurence Boswell
Professor of Civil Engineering
Tel.: +44 (0) 2070408140 -
Silesian University of Technology
Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Slaska) was established in 1945. Since then it has played a major part in the development of the region, educating students and conducting research in various fields of technology. Nowadays, SUTPL consists of 12 faculties: ranging from Architecture to Transport. An important part of the University's activity is its' involvement in European Programmes. In relation to the Bologna Declaration (1999), two-level curricula have been introduced and ECTS system of accumulation of credits is being implemented within each faculty. SUTPL has participated in Socrates/Erasmus Programme since 1998 and has been sending about 200 students per year abroad for studying and hosting about 50 foreign students each year. Within Leonardo da Vinci programme about 60 students realised their practical training in companies in different countries in Europe. SUTPL took part in 25 various TEMPUS projects.
SUTPL will carry out the following activities and be responsible for the outcomes:
- together with other foreign partners take part in coordination of curricula development for logistics and transport economics courses;
- contribution to the book "International Approach to Logistics and Transport Economics";
- carrying out of demonstration lectures for Eastern partners;
- organization of the didactic theme seminar at the International Conference "Transport Problems".Contacts:
Aleksander Sladkowski
Associate Dean on International Cooperation
E-mail: -
Universidad de Alicante
UDAES offers over 55 degree courses and is home to more than 30,000 students with departments and research units in Social and Legal Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Technological Sciences, Human Sciences, Education and Health Sciences. The UA is also host to five Research Centres in the fields of Environment, Water, Geographical Analysis, and International Economy and has an annual budget of around 140 millions euros. The Ecology Department team (participant of this proposal) has worked extensively on problems of forest hydrology at catchments and plots levels, soil-plant relationships, erosion and desertification funded by the Spanish government and the EC. Since 1981, the team has been studying the Biogeochemistry of Mediterranean Forested Ecosystems in cooperation with others Spanish and International groups, and funded by the EU programmes: Watershed Responses in Mediterranean Ecosystems (EV4V-0109; STEP CT90-0113) and Mediterranean Landscape Restoration (DM2E EV5V-CT91-0039).
Nizar Ayadi
International Project Officer
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Institute of Energy Saving of Sverdlovsk Oblast
Regional interdisciplinary center of energy efficiency.Options: analytics,forecasting (elaboration of energy efficiency programs in the region), research and methodological work (the methodology of developing energy efficiency programs);harmonization of energy consumption limits for budget organizations.There are publications of training manuals, including textbook stamped UMO "Fundamentals of energy"; electronic textbook for the municipalities of the region together with the chair "Energy efficiency" (UrFU), a series of brochures for professionals "energy component of success" and other seminars and lectures on the general culture and specific areas and technologies for energy efficiency industrial enterprises, small business, budget organizations. Within the Regional Training and Methodological Center in conjunction with UrFU in recent years were trained about 4000 specialists of various industries. Scientific direction:"Increasing of energy efficiency of buildings and structures".
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with these tasks: - Participation by their staff to the mobility flows for official events (kicking-off meeting, coordination meetings, quality control, Induction Schools, dissemination conferences and similar events) organized both in the Russian Federation and in the EU Member States. - Cooperation with the Russian and EU academic staff to the consultation for the professional focusing of the study programmes. - Hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff will attend in EU. - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized in the main university sites, in order to elaborate the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Vladimir Begalov
Director of Institute
E-mail: -
Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being
The department of federal service of supervision of customers' rights protection and human well-being of Vladimir region performs the supervision and control over the performance of the obligatory requirements of the legislation of Russian Federation in the sphere of the provision of people sanitary epidemiological well being, including: state sanitary epidemiological supervision for sanitary legislation fulfillment in Vladimir region; defines the reasons and reveals the conditions of the appearance and the spread of inflectional and mass (non inflectional) diseases (poisonings) in the territory of Vladimir region; organizes the conducting of social-hygienic monitoring in the approved order in Vladimir region.
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with these tasks: - Participation by their staff to the mobility flows for official events (kicking-off meeting, coordination meetings, quality control, Induction Schools, dissemination conferences and similar events) organized both in the Russian Federation and in the EU Member States. - Cooperation with the Russian and EU academic staff to the consultation for the professional focusing of the study programmes. - Hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff will attend in EU. - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized in the main university sites, in order to elaborate the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Evgeniy Lisitsin
E-mail: -
Union of Constructors of Sverdlovsk Region
Constructor's union of Sverdlovsk region represents and protects socio-economic rights, industrial interests of construction companies in the organizational and power structures among the participants of the market of construction works; participate in the municipal, regional socio-economic programs in the field of construction; develops and makes a conclusions of agreements with state and local authorities, the regional committee of trade union workers in construction and building materials industry for providing legal security of the building complex organizations and their employees; provides training and retraining of the construction industry, assists construction companies in the study of modern innovations and trends in the construction process, the development of recent advances in science, engineering and technology in the construction industry, re-equipment of its own production bases.
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with these tasks: - Participation by their staff to the mobility flows for official events (kicking-off meeting, coordination meetings, quality control, Induction Schools, dissemination conferences and similar events) organized both in the Russian Federation and in the EU Member States. - Cooperation with the Russian and EU academic staff to the consultation for the professional focusing of the study programmes. - Hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff will attend in EU. - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized in the main university sites, in order to elaborate the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Tatiana Rykova
Leading Specialist, Lawyer
E-mail: -
Tambov Regional Administration
TRA Department of Environment Protection and Nature Management is a public authority which carries out special activities in the field of environment protection and environmental safety in the Tambov region. The Department acts according to the RF Constitution, federal and regional normative regulations, cooperation agreements between RF public authorities and Tambov regional administrations. The Department cooperates with executive authorities of the Tambov region, local government authorities, municipal communities and other organizations carrying out activities in the field of environment protection and nature management.
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with these tasks: - Participation by their staff to the mobility flows for official events (kicking-off meeting, coordination meetings, quality control, Induction Schools, dissemination conferences and similar events) organized both in the Russian Federation and in the EU Member States. - Cooperation with the Russian and EU academic staff to the consultation for the professional focusing of the study programmes. - Hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff will attend in EU. - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized in the main university sites, in order to elaborate the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Nadezhda Petrova
Head of Department
E-mail: -
TICASS Consortium
TICASS is a non-profit-making Consortium, including public research authorities (Departments of the University of Genoa and of the Research area of the CNR in Genoa), as well as small-size, medium-size and large-size companies. The Consortium's purpose is the implementation, promotion, dissemination, transfer and valorisation of research activities and innovative technologies for energy conservation, environmental control and management, sustainable development and life quality improvement. The strategy pursued by the Consortium, aiming at the achievement of a sustainable development while respecting and safeguarding climate changes, consists in the implementation of several activities.
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with the following tasks regarding: - Participation by their staff to the different mobility flows for kicking-off and coordination, quality control, Induction Summer Schools, dissemination - Conferences and similar events, organized both in the Russian Federation and in the Member States in EU (Italy, Spain, Poland, UK) - Participation with academic staff to the consultation for the professional recognition of the study programmes - hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff has attended in EU - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized on the main university sites, on the elaboration of the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Osvaldo Conio
Chief Executive Officer
link: -
ENERG is a fast-growing, diversified industrial company, which stably occupies leading positions in different sectors of Russian and world's market. It includes 7 high-tech factories in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, two corporate institutes for electrotechnical instrument engineering and electronic materials, as well as the Stavropol largest agricultural enterprise. The company is successfully integrated into the global economy. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation many times recognized the Concern the "Best exporter of the industry" (in 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009).
As institution representative of stakeholders, the partner will be appointed with these tasks: - Participation by their staff to the mobility flows for official events (kicking-off meeting, coordination meetings, quality control, Induction Schools, dissemination conferences and similar events) organized both in the Russian Federation and in the EU Member States. - Cooperation with the Russian and EU academic staff to the consultation for the professional focusing of the study programmes. - Hosting of a short internship of the junior teaching staff, after the intensive retraining that this staff will attend in EU. - Participation to the workshop & round table discussion, organized in the main university sites, in order to elaborate the methodology on qualifications and degree recognition.
Evgeniy Larsky
Chief Manager